There are really no requirements of saving money for a car or to pay off credit cards you really just need to start and the ball will start rolling for you.
Start with a down payment budget for a used car
It’s a good idea though to have a budget planned out before you start saving. Saving money can make it easier for you to get a used car in Philadelphia.
Look at it this way the more money you save up the less time your going to have to pay interest on the money you finance and the less you’re going to have to ask the auto lenders for.
The less the auto lenders have to give you for a used car the better. Don’t get us wrong auto lenders will finance cars at $99 down or $0 down for a used car in Philadelphia but they would rather see you have a large down payment to contribute.
Compare auto loan rates in Philly
You’re not going to want to try and finance the cream of the crop vehicles out of bankruptcy. You will want to finance a used car with lower on time payments.
What we can do for you is connect you with a car dealer near you in Philadelphia that offers the best down payment options for a used car and get you driving again.