Bad Credit Car Loan Interest Rates in Philadelphia – Buy Here Pay Here Car Lots in Philly

no money down car loans phillyLet us be honest with you buying a car falls down to what kind of auto loan rate you can get and what price range you can get the car dealership to agree on. Continue reading

Make Sure The Auto Loan You Get in Philadelphia is The Best Your Going To Get

Bad credit car dealers in PhiladelphiaBuying car right now new or used doesn’t matter unless you are getting a good auto loan rate along with it. And we know all about auto loan rates because we talk with local car dealers in Philadelphia daily.  Continue reading

The Cost For A New Car in Philadelphia

cars for 12k in PhiladelphiaWhen you want to buy a car the amount of what it cost is a huge factor in Philadelphia and with the median income of residents being $39k and insurance being $841 a month lets say. Continue reading